Help with the Sacramento County Assessor Parcel Viewer
The Sacramento County Assessor Parcel Viewer allows you to quickly find information about any of the 400,000+ parcels located within Sacramento County.
Finding parcel information
To get started, start typing the address of the parcel, then click the button.
If you know the Assessor Parcel Number (APN) of the parcel that you are looking for, start typing the APN, then click the button.
You can also see parcel information by simply zooming the map to an area of interest, and clicking on a parcel on the map.
Showing Recent Sales Activity
To show Sales Activity over the last two years, click on the "Recent Sales" menu item, then use the map to locate an area of interest.
Application and Data Comments/Questions
Not finding what you are looking for? Contact us with your application and data comments or questions.
Click the button to submit your application and data requests or questions.
No results found
The selected parcel is a part of a condominium parcel lot. The list of all condominium parcels for this lot is shown below. Each condominium parcel has the same base parcel location, but has different ownership and assessment values
Tax Rate Area Code | |
Jurisdiction Used on Most Recent Tax Roll | |
Last Roll Year |
Tax Roll Year | |
Land Value | |
Improvement Value | |
Personal Property Value | |
Fixtures | |
Homeowner's Exemption | |
Other Exemption | |
Net Assessed Value | |
Property tax bill information |
Additional information regarding Assessor's roll values can be obtained by contacting the Assessor's Office at 916-875-0700 or
Thomas Brothers Map | |
Assessor Land Use Code | |
Filed Map Book/Page | |
Filed Map Name | |
Block Number | |
Lot Number | |
Unit Number | |
Assessor's Property Description | |
Approx. Parcel Area |
Additional zoning information can be obtained by contacting the Sacramento County Planning and Environmental Review Division at
California Government Code Section 6254.21 states that “No state or local agency shall post the home address or telephone number of any elected or appointed official on the internet without first obtaining the written permission of that individual.” As the cost to collect and continuously update that information is prohibitive, the Assessor’s website does not display the Assessee name. It may be obtained by calling 916-875-0700 or by visiting the Assessor's Office at 3636 American River Drive, Suite 200, in Sacramento.
Last Ownership Transfer Document Type | |
County Recorder's Document Number | |
Event Date |
Gross Building Area | |
Net Rentable Area | |
Ground Floor Area | |
Year Built | |
Effective Year | |
Stories | |
Quality Class |
Land Use Code |
Total Residential Living Area | |
Garage Parking Area | |
Carport Parking Area | |
Covered Parking Spaces | |
Pool | |
Spa | |
About this data | Data Field Descriptions |
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Disclaimer Explanation | Disclaimer |
Additional information regarding property building information can be obtained by contacting the Assessor's Office at 916-875-0700 or
Map Legend
Zoom to X/Y
Selection Tools
Click on one of the following buttons to begin selecting parcels on the map:
Date Range Selection
Use the slider bar below to change the date range of any date-aware layers shown on the map:
Property Types
Selection Tools
Click on one of the following buttons to begin selecting Recent Sales Activity on the map:
Measure Tools
Latitude | Longitude | |
Display X/Y
![]() |
X Coordinate: | |
Y Coordinate: | |
CCS83 Zone 2 – Feet* | |
Longitude: | |
Latitude: | |
Geographic NAD83 | |
X: | |
Y: | |
CCS27 Zone 2 – Feet* | |
Surface Elevation: | |
NAVD88 | |
*The coordinates displayed above are calculated from GIS data sources and are not directly derived from field surveys, and as such are not appropriate for legal or engineering purposes.